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Personal identity security

Pretac • May 22, 2022

Personal identity security

Technological advancements in the digital space has revolutionized every aspect of our lives, from shopping to collaborating with colleagues to keeping in touch with friends to entertainment to managing our finances.


Since the dawn of the Internet, identity management has been a key concern, with billions of dollars being spent on usability, security and privacy.

The identity and access management market is expected to grow from $8.09 billion in 2016 to $14.82 billion by 2021, representing a 12.9% CAGR.


Despite this huge investment, managing digital identities continues to be plagued by three Cs – Cumbersome, Costly and Challenging.


With data driving the world today, digital identity is critical to most business and social transactions.

This governs the interaction of users in the digital world.

But traditional identity systems continue to be highly vulnerable, with single points of failure, attracting continuous attempts to gain access to the complete repository of high value data.

And, with companies prioritizing cybersecurity, identity protection and compliance management, while customer experience is significantly compromised.


As individuals, we shoulder the burden of managing multiple online IDs and passwords, while also handling a host of documents, including passports, driver’s licenses, Social Security cards and medical insurance cards.

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The BSN team is committed to improving existing features, improving user experience, and introducing new features. The next quarterly update will be released on April 30th, 2022, with significant optimization of existing features, integration of new frameworks, updates to the recently launched BSN-DDC Network, and more exciting announcements. An early preview of this update is as follows: BSN-DDC Network: Optimize the BSN-DDC portal: add platforms’ qualification verification, and optimize user registration & official DDCs’ search functions; Optimize OpenAPI, official DDC smart contract, and SDK services, as well as an update to the user manual; Launch an English version of the BSN-DDC portal; Support DDC businesses on Tangshan Chain based on DBChain, and Zunyi Chain based on China Corda Network; Launch a DDC vault extension on Chrome. BSN International Optimize the BSN International portal to improve user experience; Enable users to unsubscribe permissioned services; Continue to integrate more public chains. BSN China Optimize BSN China portal to improve user experience; Enable DDC minting services to end-users; Integrate Open Permissioned Blockchains based on NEO and Casper; Launch external node services for Tai’an Chain, Wenchang Chain, and Wuhan Chain; Optimize Open Permissioned Blockchain functions: create a new API that enables adding credit in bulk; implement a new gas pricing mechanism on Wenchang Chain; Integrate Hyperledger Fabric 2.2.1 SM2 Version. With each quarterly upgrade, the BSN improves the efficiency of the BSN network, continues to integrate new frameworks, and enables various forms of advanced services. In this manner, the BSN is striving to be the most convenient, cost-effective, and interoperable one-stop shop for developing, deploying, and managing dApps. For more information on the quarterly updates or general inquiries, please email us at .
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